My very first post
This is the very first beginning of my blog. Every year, in January, I give myself a new “calendar”: I decide new targets for the incoming year and this is one of them. It can be hard to be uncomfortable for many people starting something new, but it’s usual for me to think out of the box. I think real happiness come when we learn how to cut some strings with the past, if we understand they no longer serve us. I believe this is a beginning of a new one in my life. I really love to write and it can take several time to put in words my feelings, but it’s something that calm me very much. Sit down, to read, think and write it’s a sort of growing up our souls. I am very happy to making people feel something through my photos during my exhibitions, books or workshops. I want the same through my painting: abstract art can enrich souls and open all the horizons. Even though my life and my work today is not centered on my blog, I consider it a very important piece of my time, which can connect me with all of You.
So, talk to you soon!
Thank You so much for reading my very first post here and I hope you will enjoy my new website!

È sempre un piacere leggerti e vedere le tue opere
Grazie, Kasia! Sono felice di leggere il tuo interesse!
Ciao Ste, sempre un piacere vedere le tue creazioni.
Grazie, Elena! Un piacere mio avere la possibilità di percepire il tuo interesse! Grazie!
Sono poco sui social e forse mi sono persa qualcosa
Il passaggio dalla fotografia alla pittura…quando?
Ti faccio i miei migliori auguri per tutto
Grazie, Marina!
Dipingo da poco e ti ringrazio per gli auguri! Puoi trovare come ho iniziato QUI
Nel soggiorno ho il tuo quadro è bellissimo
Grazie infinite, Anna Rita!