Christmas finished and I decided to bring my son to visit Venice on a five days trip. I was many time there in my life, but never my son saw it before. So, what else? We arrived at the hotel and the atmosphere captured immediately him and I saw his eyes shine! We walked very much, visiting museums, exhibitions, monuments and…restaurants! The cuisine is great there and I can tell it matches the city itself: not cheap, but tasty. Due to the pandemic period, not so much people were there and it was really nice. We, both, don’t like so much social confusion and this choice to go there after Christmas was really perfect. The wether was so great! The sun was shining all day and the light unbelievable. I am a photographer and I took many interesting pics: one of them won a prize in Germany and one is on selling in the USA, on a very important online art gallery.

I am so grateful that I can translate in images my visions and in the same time my “painting side” was growing up. We were in one of the art cradle of the world, so I was in advantage 🙂 Days flew full of emotions, laughs, smiles, experiences between a father and a son… Sometimes we were tired, but our plans were so nice and we were able to see all what we expected and to pass unforgettable moments for me. My son is now 14 y.o. so he’s a Man, interested in many things of life, with his side of young person, but with the typical desire to run through time. What is unique about Venice is its inimitable conjunction of time and space: the entire modern history took place there and today it’s possible to breath the essence of all times. Thinking to my son, a part of me was imagining what it could be in the future: something surrounded by the mystery, which distinguishes this city from the rest of the world. To me it appears like a vanishing dream, instead of a city. So, it grew up in me the vision for the painting that I produced at the beginning of January. I started with the modelling paste once again and after I fulfilled the canvas with a sponge, to recreate the fog which I saw with my son one night.

The result is an imaginative Venice, with its decadence which switch to the border of the dystopia: the glitz and luxury one day will be its defeat. The blue of that special night, unified with the fog create a unique tonality between grey and violet and I think it’s very mysterious, like Venice itself deserves. I called it “Notte a Venezia” ( Night In Venice ).

So, what do You think about? It would be so nice to read Your comments down below and if You are interested in this picture, contact me!