Nice to meet You again on my Blog!
Summer’s almost gone, but not at all. Temperatures are still high, but soon the smell af the Autumn will fascinate us. In the first part of this season I worked on actual available paintings and the incoming ones took space during my days, defining them.

I visited in Genoa the exhibition in which it’s possible to admire the famous “Great Wave of Kanagawa”, by Hokusai and it was so emotional to see this incredible opera by some centimeters…:

I started to practice Hatha Yoga, finally! I am fascinated since when I was a child, thanks to my father, about all this world: he taught me Pranayama techniques, because he was a freediver and me too. He knew those ways to breath and consciousness, thanks to his Master Jacques Mayol. The Sea fascinated him so much and any time I go to swim, I miss him very much… My son started to practice Pranayama too, although not constantly, but the results are great!
All the history of the Hindu myths and the buddhist traditions are reflecting on my last operas and the will do on the next ones. But, let’s speak about holidays! Me and my son visited some place on the mountains, making trekking and eating taste plates cooked by us in the woods: how’s nice the smell the barbecue! We bought what I think be the smallest one: it’s a sort of tube and when opened, it reveals its magic:

After some days we left for Greece: Rodhes island! The flight passed smoothly, reading a great book of Osho: how lucky we are, thanks to the possibility to learn so much by books… Once the plane landed and the door opened, the legendary hot greek summer revealed to us and we felt so happy! We didn’t see the moment to drive by our rented car to the hotel and then to take a bath in the Aegean Sea!

We had a great dinner in Lindos and we did some plans for the places we wanted to see and visit in the next day: Prassonissi, the acropolys os Athena Lindia, Rodhes old town, the butterflies valley ( Petaludes ) and maaaaany beaches! Wow, the environment of this island is really magical: so rocky, so green, so civilized and wild at the same time… People are really nice and smiling everywhere, the food is unbelievably tasty and the blue of the sky and the sea is breathtaking…

Our days were composed by moments in which we were so happy about the fantastic places we saw, the unforgettable dive we made in the Aegean Sea and the inside part of the island, without to forget how much culture here you can find, from the old greek civilization, passing through the medieval one and to jump in our modernity.
I had the possibility to visit the house of David Gilmour in Pefkos!

But anything in life has a double side, sometimes: we had to face a dangerous and sad situation, concerning fires. Just on our third day on the island somebody lighted up a fire so big, that I saw only in movies: the sky started to be full of clouds made by the smoke, animals and people escaped, more than 30 thousands guests were evacuated due to the destroying fire. Many animals died and some people too. Even two pilots of on of the Canadair lost their life during their work and it was really sad… We remained without water and electricity in our hotel and village ( Pefkos ) for three days: we had to face the reality, made by showers at the beach and torches of our phones, beyond to eat in the few restaurants which had the possibility to use a generator: the others were closed, totally. On the extreme north part of the island seemed that nothing happened: life flew normally, people was without any worries. Just very crowdy was the main city, ’cause of the evacuated people transported there by bus. Police closed totally the island for the middle to the south: we were lucky to made plans in such a way to be able to see what we wanted. It was the real conjunction of the events…
I have been interviewed by some italians newspapers and portals, because of a post on a greek Facebook group, in which I tried to document the situation with pictures and video. It was great for many of my friends to know we were safe there. The moment to leave came and we had an obvious delay of the filght, due to the continuos necessity to refill the Canadair and the helycopters, but all went for its best. Our flight company supported us in any moment and we landed during the night, delighted by our country illuminated down below, leaving on our back the fire visible to the plane itself…

We traced a line about our experience and we wanted to take the best from our time and to enjoy what we lived there: it’s one of our way for happiness…

Now life in my city flows smoothly and my interests are deeper than before. Nature communicates me the same things than before, but I’m able to be fascinated by a bird’s fly, a bird’s chant, a sunset, a wood a path even more than before… Any time I travel the same feeling captures me and I see my son happier day by day: that’s my real happiness and pride. I think any travel it’s a tank full of possibilities to grow up, to became deeper in our soul, in our heart and in our spirit. To live experiences, also dramatic like our, but to work for the best in any situation is the key for a better life and to meet new people in new places is a sort of medicine and fuel at the same time: it can treat any wound and it can refill our happyness, also to make us wiser.
Finally, but not least, we had a so incredible clear sky during this summer, that permitted to us to admire sooooo many stars during our nights here, and in the most famous one when the stars fall down, “San Lorenzo” night, to take some interesting pictures π

Now it’s time to return to work and to dive into my beloved Yoga and studying of the Hindu myths, so to produce my visions for the incoming paintings!
Stay tuned in my stories here and on my YouTube channel too! If you are so kind to subscribe, I’ll be thankful for that!
I planned a new bike tour in a foreign country for the Autumn and I hope to return full of experiences to tell you! It will be very demanding by Km and elevation, but I’m sure it will be exciting π
Thnx for reading and be happy!